Gwen Hall (Westeren)
Hey all you Oilers out there, this is Maureen Desatoff, writing to you from beautiful Port Angeles in Washington state. I am here with Gwennie Hall, visiting and enjoying the beauty of this state. I know now why Gwennie and Tom came here and never went back to LA. There are soooo many things to see and places that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is in His heaven and created His beauty for us to enjoy and treasure. i talked to my son this am and he said that the devil called him yesterday in LA and told him that he didn't want any of his demons to come home from LA to Hell, because after being in the heat of LA they come back to Hell all grumpy and he can't deal with them. We have been to a Lavender Festival, Hurricane Bluff, saw the Indian tribes bring their canoes into port with much ceremony, rode the ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island and then to Gwen's incredible home where her neighbor feeds the eagles. and all that we did in the space of 3 short days. PS we ate a lot and we are just getting started. Love to all of you and I hope all is well with all our classmates, bye for now, Mo